National Leadership Award

Since 1925, American Youth Foundation conferences have helped young leaders discover their unique gifts, inspiring them to put those gifts into action to make a positive difference.

With this in mind, the National Leadership Award (NLA) was established to recognize extraordinary young people for their character and leadership potential. The AYF partners with schools, youth groups, businesses, community groups and 4-H clubs to identify and honor these young leaders. Anyone can nominate a deserving teen.

Award recipients receive a personalized award certificate, a copy of I Dare You!, William H. Danforth’s classic motivational book, and an invitation to join other young leaders at the National Leadership Conference. Please note, we cannot ship awards or books internationally at this time.

How to Select NLA Recipients

The award recognizes youth currently in grades 9, 10 or 11 who strive to be their best and make a positive difference in their communities.

Sponsoring organizations may choose any number of youth who have completed their first year of high school and show leadership potential.

It's easy to show recognition and appreciation for the next generation of leaders! Order your award online now by creating a Campbrain account and following the prompts.

Please note, we cannot ship awards or books internationally at this time.

Please contact us if you have questions about the National Leadership Award or National Leadership Conference.

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