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News From AYF

AYF Regional Action Networks gather Founder Friends across the U.S.
As the American Youth Foundation prepares for its centennial in 2025, President Liz Marshall and Vice ...
Staff Spotlight: Miniwanca’s Brianna Moynihan
Miniwanca Assistant Director of Camps Brianna Moynihan has attended summer camp for as long as she remembers: as a camper, then a counselor, and a …
NLC Class Challenge raises more than $15,000 for scholarships
The National Leadership Conference community once again proved that not only could they rise to the challenge, ... but they could also exceed it. In total, …

100 Stories Project

The American Youth Foundation has transformed countless young people and their families in the last 100 years, and everyone has a story. We hope you’ll share it with us as part of our 100 Stories project.

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"The things I will never forget about being at camp include the singing. The beautiful harmonizing that happens in these spaces is truly special. It's not just specific memories; it's more about the feeling I have when I'm here—walking through the woods, sand under my feet at the beach, and experiencing the love that people show each other in their interactions."
Anne Davis Grothe
Miniwaca Camper 1967, 1971-1973
"I think the American Youth Foundation is helping to build a stronger country and a stronger world. If you want to come and feel loved and like you belong, come here."
Victoria Sherman
2000, 2010-2014 Miniwanca Volunteer
Summer Seminars for Women 2014-2024
"I remember after her first year, when she came home, she was just a better person—more confident, surer of herself. She was simply a better person, and I think it was because of Camp Miniwanca."
Kristin Anderson
Miniwanca Parent 2021-2024
"Two of my most treasured memories come from one night after working, when Dr. Benjamin May, who was a mentor to Martin Luther King Jr., sat down and talked with me about life. ... His perspective on life was very useful to me, and I found that his views weren’t that far apart from mine."
Bill Mulvihill
Miniwanca Younger Boys Camp 1952-1954
Miniwanca Work Staff 1958
"The most important thing I’ve learned in my ten-plus years here, both as a camper and as staff, is gratitude."
Jay Isoniemi
Miniwanca Voyageur Leader 2024