February 4, 2019
Winter Wonders and Volunteer Weekend
Even in the midst of this season of epic winter cold, it’s a busy time at Miniwanca. Since the beginning of 2019, Miniwanca has already traveled to two cities, hosting...
General Updates
November 2, 2018
Apply to Work Summer 2019
With the Miniwanca Staff Application officially open for Summer 2019 (#JoinTheTeam2019), we’re looking forward to connecting with new and returning staff members from all around the country who will help...
Boys Camp
Girls Camp
August 22, 2018
A Four Trails Summer In Review
As all of the campers, parents, and leaders begin to settle back into their homes and things quiet down from the summer, I’m left reflecting on what an incredible summer it’s...
Boys Camp
Girls Camp
August 3, 2018
Ride In!
On the lovely Wednesday morning everyone woke up in extreme anticipation of the excitement coming. Both Boys and Girls campers woke up a little bit early so that they could...
Boys Camp
Girls Camp
August 1, 2018
Coed Four Trails Update!!
In the spirit of One Miniwanca here’s a coed blog post for Four Trails. Woohoo! It’s the final week of camp and the Four Trails groups are all converging on...
Boys Camp
July 31, 2018
Atypical Days are Loads of Fun!!
Three days ago Boys Camp had an atypical day! We started off the morning per usual with polar bear, flag raising, breakfast of yummy home fries, scrambled eggs, and fruit....
Girls Camp
July 31, 2018
Typical Day at Girls Camp
After an amazing day filled with co-ed festivities yesterday, Girls Camp got back in the groove of a typical day. We were woken up by the beloved polar bear call...
Boys Camp
Girls Camp
July 30, 2018
Tribal Cup and Thunder Dome
Today on the sand dunes of Miniwanca we had a little bit of an abnormal day. Boys and Girls Camp both woke up a little bit later because there was...
Girls Camp
July 27, 2018
Tribal Council Fun
The classic polar bear call woke us up from our dreams this morning. We all hopped on into Lake Michigan for a chilly wakeup call and then got ready for...
Boys Camp
July 26, 2018
Michigan to New Hampshire, and Soon to be Back!!
It’s a beautiful morning at Miniwanca and at Graceland. Blue-bird skies and all the sunshine you could ever want. Stony Creek is rushing after the rain this week, and the...
Girls Camp
July 25, 2018
Odyssey arrives in New Hampshire!
It’s a beautiful morning at Miniwanca and at Graceland. Blue-bird skies and all the sunshine you could ever want. Stony Creek is rushing after the rain this week, and the...
Girls Camp
July 24, 2018
A Typical Taco Tuesday!
This morning  we were woken up by the polar bear call as we rushed to get our bathing suits and jump in Lake Michigan. One of our Darer cabins led...
July 23, 2018
Living The Mission Retreats 2018
Our experiences in AYF programs introduced us to living a four-fold balanced life, seeking to be our own, best self, and inspired us to live lives of service as we...
Boys Camp
July 23, 2018
Boys Camp 4 Trails Update
Graceland has been quiet these past couple of days as most of our Four Trails campers are out experiencing some of the most beautiful parts of the American landscape. It’s...
Girls Camp
July 22, 2018
Rainy Goodbyes
In Girls Camp it was another gray day on Lake Michigan. This was appropriate because of the bittersweet nature of the day. We had to say goodbye to our one...
Girls Camp
July 21, 2018
The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow
This morning we were woken up by quite a beautiful sun shower. The sky opened up as the morning bell was rung, and after the rain stopped a beautiful rainbow...
Girls Camp
July 18, 2018
What a Wonderful Wednesday at Girls Camp
This morning at Girls Camp we woke up to a chilly morning and an even chillier Polar Bear for all those who chose to jump on into Lake Michigan. We...
Boys Camp
July 18, 2018
Techno Taco Tuesday- A Boy’s Camp Tradition
Yesterday in Boy’s Camp, we had our first full typical day; full of Interest Groups like Woodshop, Archery, Fishing, Paddle Sports, Soccer, and even a little bit of Dragon Slaying!...