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We Must be the Change
June 2, 2020

The American Youth Foundation stands in solidarity with communities of color who continue to bear the weight of longtime, systemic injustice and who have suffered disproportionately through the COVID-19 crisis. We are deeply saddened by the immense pain so many people of color have experienced and continue to experience due to entrenched racism, including the senseless killing of George Floyd and so many others.

At the AYF, we believe that we are all responsible for building equitable community. Our organization’s work is to amplify the voice of youth and encourage them to speak out and take action against injustice. We know we don’t have all the answers, but we seek to work together to educate ourselves and others and to dismantle systems of oppression to create a more just world.

Let us follow the powerful example of our most recent National Leadership Conference first-year class, “Bold Hearts, Rising Voice,” to work toward the change our world so desperately needs.