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Enkindled Spirits: Willky Joseph
August 27, 2020

Willky’s AYF journey began at Merrowvista when was a 9th grader at Codman Academy. In the first days of forming their new school community, Codman students came to Merrowvista as a part of our longtime Community and School program partnership. Willky returned to Merrowvista each year of high school, gaining a deeper connection to his Codman classmates while developing the shared values of an intentional positive community.

Making the leap into a staff role, Willky became a specialist at Merrowvista summer camp. He quickly connected with campers and became an inspiring role model and mentor. After two summers at Merrowvista, Willky answered the call to fill the newly created role of Camper Experience Coordinator at Miniwanca Boys Camp, applying his exceptional knowledge and insight to the role of helping campers achieve their best.

Willky has also embraced great adventures in his life beyond AYF — excelling as a high school student and gaining acceptance into the highly competitive (MS)2 Program, Mathematics and Science for Minority Students offered through Phillips Academy Andover. Willky is now in his senior year at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, where he is pursuing double major in American Studies and anthropology. Last spring, one of his professors nominated him for a five-week archaeological service trip the Alaskan village of Togiak.

At each step in his journey, Willky has been open to new experiences, always moving with great respect and curiosity. We are grateful that his enkindled spirit has brought light to both of the AYF camps, and we look forward to seeing him continue to soar with great achievements while inspiring and supporting others.

This article was originally published in the 2019 Founder Fire.