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Boys Camp
Seeking Balance
July 3, 2022

The American Youth Foundation’s motto, “My own self, at my very best, all the time,” was the first thing each camper upon arrival at Miniwanca one week ago. Each day since then, campers have worked to turn these words into action.

Campers spent their first week of camp exploring new activities or old favorites during interest groups. Nearly every day, campers spend a block of time at these activities that cover everything from sailing and fishing to Dungeons and Dragons and learning how to build a fire. The curriculum for each interest group builds on itself, allowing campers to grow and learn more about their chosen challenge each day. Next week, campers will start a new slate of interest groups.

The program team carves out time for campers to develop each of the four folds (mental, physical, social, and spiritual) every day at Miniwanca. Morning stretch wakes up the body, and CORE wakes up the mind with a new philosophical discussion each morning. 

At the end of each day, campers discuss which activities were fun and which activities helped them learn something new at Evening Reflection. This nightly routine is an important part of the summer camp program at Miniwanca, giving campers time to contemplate the intention behind the fun. 

In other exciting news, the Summer 2022 Quad Cup is officially underway! Different cabins are united in one of four quads, working together all session to earn the most points and win the coveted Quad Cup trophy.