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Girls Camp
July 19, 2022
Adventure is Everywhere
As the Girls Campers move into week two, everyone adjusted to the typical rhythm of Miniwanca life. Week two also means the start of new adventures for all of the...
Girls Camp
July 19, 2022
Camaraderie and Competition
July 14 was a beautiful day at Miniwanca without a single cloud in the sky. Girls campers took in the sunshine all day as they cruised through their last day...
Boys Camp
July 18, 2022
Making the Most of a Rainy Day
At Miniwanca, campers are encouraged to be their own self, at their very best, all the time, and this process begins with building community. Creating a space for youth to...
Boys Camp
July 16, 2022
Getting into a Groove
Miniwanca Boys Camp is starting to find its groove for the session as each camper gets comfortable within their individual program. This morning, the Avail campers from Girls Camp and...
Girls Camp
July 14, 2022
Sunshine, Smiles, and Sweets
It was certainly a day filled with sunshine and smiles as campers headed into another beautiful day at Girls Camp. Campers played and chatted together during the little moments of...
Boys Camp
July 14, 2022
Let the Games Begin
After spending the first two days at camp learning how to have a fun, safe summer, it was time for the first typical day at Miniwanca. Some campers started their...
July 14, 2022
Woody the hedgehog is on the loose…
A camp-wide hunt for a missing wooden hedgehog is underway at Merrowvista. Facilities Infrastructure Manager made Woody the hedgehog in the woodshop, and each morning, a staff member hides Woody...
Girls Camp
July 13, 2022
A Terrifically Typical Tuesday
It was a terrifically typical Tuesday at Miniwanca Girls Camp. With the sun shining in a cloudless blue sky, nothing stopped campers as today. The morning interest groups (different activity...
July 12, 2022
Creatures are on the move at Merrowvista
Merrowvista has many unique evening traditions like Fire Circles, Evening Reflections, and Candlelight Sing. On nights without a special tradition, the community gathers for Night’s Doings. This year, Merrowvista introduced...
Girls Camp
July 12, 2022
The Start of Something New
Sunday was a beautiful day as the sun shone, birds chirped, and camp buzzed. Excitement and anticipation was in the air for the start of Session B with a new...
Boys Camp
July 12, 2022
Building the Foundation for a Fun, Safe Summer
The second session of camp is officially underway, and campers have been busy building the foundation for another fun, safe summer at Miniwanca. Staff were happy to report another successful...
Girls Camp
July 10, 2022
Forever Founder Friends
It was a beautiful day for the last breakfast at Miniwanca. Campers spent the morning finishing their last-minute packing while cleaning their cabins for a final time. The last full...
Girls Camp
July 10, 2022
The Hunt for New Adventures
It was a misty morning in more ways than one. The dewy silveriness of the fog surrounded everyone during morning stretch as campers sang “Happy Trails” to the Voyagers who...
Girls Camp
July 10, 2022
Star-Spangled Smiles
“Polar Bear, Polar Bear… Come on out, you Polar Bears!” On July 4, the well-loved Polar Bear call rang out across Girls Camp to tell everyone it was time for...
July 8, 2022
Campers dive into speciality interest groups
The first week of camp for Merrowvista’s Session A is wrapping up with tremendous excitement, concluding the first round of interest groups. Interest groups are a core component of summer...
July 7, 2022
First campers of the 2022 season arrive at Merrowvista
Last Sunday, July 3, was one of the best days of the year at Merrowvista: Opening Day for the first session of summer camp 2022. It was all hands on...
Boys Camp
July 6, 2022
Celebrating Togetherness
Each night, the echo of fireworks from nearby Benona Township Park grew louder than the night before in anticipation of the Fourth of July. At Miniwanca, thunderous chants and cheers...
Boys Camp
July 5, 2022
Exploring New Sites
After a fun-filled week of interest groups it was time for a change of pace. Boys Camp packed their bags and hiked to the historic Wells Site, on the beautiful...