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Typical (and Wacky) Days
July 19, 2017

We finished our first typical day of Session B, and what a day it was! At 7:45am, our daring Polar Bears heard their call. They hopped out of their bunks and put their swimsuits on to plunge into Lake Michigan, embracing the day with open arms and laughter. Afterwards, campers readied their cabins for inspection and made their way to the Hollow. The Adventurers led our morning stretch. We danced to 500 Miles by the Proclaimers, which was fitting as the trip group starts their 500-mile bike trip around Michigan on Friday!

After breakfast and some brief camper free time, we headed into C.O.R.E., which stands for Connect, Orient, Reflect, and Empower. This is a time for campers to be with members of their own age groups. They get to know each other and themselves better while participating in positive community, best self, and balanced living activities.

Following C.O.R.E., campers were excited to begin their classes, or Interest Groups. Some went all the way to the waterfront for sailing and paddlesports. Others had the opportunity to climb our high ropes course. With classes like pottery, zumba, yoga, zen doodling, and many more, the possibilities for fun are seemingly endless.

After lunch and rest hour, campers played Tribal Games, engaging in friendly tribal competition such as deck tennis, smash ball, block soccer, and captain ball. They then dispersed into their afternoon Interest Groups and free time. Free time is a great opportunity to swim at Lake Michigan, play games in the Hollow, work at the Craft House, or even take a shower.

Our nightly activity was Wacky Olympics! Campers ran from activity to activity alongside their sister cabins. Some challenges were competitive while others were collaborative. It was incredible to feel all the energy around Miniwanca while campers settled in to their routines at camp.