General Updates
August 8, 2018
The Fantastic Four (Folds)
While the 2wk Pioneers were heading back from their overnight trips and the 4wk Trailblazers prepared to set out for a day of hiking or biking, the 3 weekers had...
General Updates
August 5, 2018
Trip Report!
Oh how the voyageurs have rode! Along the way, Voyageur A has found time to try on a few wedding dresses, Voyageur B has enjoyed diving down a muddy slip...
General Updates
August 3, 2018
Mail Time!
Okay, we’re about halfway through Session B. It’s time to write your camper a letter. We’re talking about a paper and pen, stamped and addressed through the postal service letter....
General Updates
August 2, 2018
Hear Hear to Another Great Day
Today, in the Canaan Valley, life was filled with wonder of all kinds. When over 100 unique and youthful personalities are living in community, so much is possible – and...
General Updates
August 1, 2018
The Third Day
Amid the early morning birdsong and quieting crickets of the forest, a bell rang up and out of its small enclosure to deflect off the circle of mountains surrounding the...
General Updates
July 31, 2018
Morning Magic
The bell rang this morning at 7:15am, signifying the start of a full first day of camp for our 2 and 3 week villages. Before flag raising, the pioneer and...
General Updates
July 30, 2018
Everybody Has Arrived!!!
Today we welcomed Pioneer, Trailblazer, and Odyssey campers to the Canaan Valley alongside their parents, family, and friends –  and what a day it was!  The sun was shining and...
General Updates
July 29, 2018
Trail Updates!
Standing on the pier in Portland, I watched the ferry disappear into the fog.  Aboard were 32 Voyageurs and bicycles, all departing on their journey around Nova Scotia.  It seemed...
July 29, 2018
July 28, 2018
On the eve of another opening day, we repost this blog from last summer written by a current camper parent, Amanda Kuhnert. We can’t wait to welcome you all tomorrow!...
July 27, 2018
July 27, 2018
Another full day in the Canaan valley. This morning began with a whirlwind of packing go-getters, the Discoverers waking at 7 am to begin packing and cleaning their cabins, in...
General Updates
July 26, 2018
A Visit From Our Sister Camp
Shelby here, reporting about another day in the Canaan Valley. Wednesday the 25th was an awesome day to be at Merrowvista for kids and staff alike. The weather was moody,...
General Updates
July 25, 2018
Merrowvista Chicken
Today was our first full day with a normal schedule! This meant Interest Groups galore, opportunities for campers to choose their own activities at Go Getters and Your Time, and...
General Updates
July 24, 2018
The First Day – 7/23/18
The first full day of camp started out warm and misty. We gathered as a community for flag raising, a reflective and insightful morning activity that typically takes place in...
July 23, 2018
Living The Mission Retreats 2018
Our experiences in AYF programs introduced us to living a four-fold balanced life, seeking to be our own, best self, and inspired us to live lives of service as we...
General Updates
July 23, 2018
Session B Begins!
Years ago, at summer camp, I learned a Turkish proverb: “Our skin is waterproof.” Rain is not ideal on opening day. It’s less fun to tour around camp in the...
General Updates
July 18, 2018
Candlelight Sing
Yesterday the Farmhouse received a phone call from our fellow community member, the Loon Center.  Your camper has been practicing living in a community: their village. They live in close...
General Updates
July 17, 2018
Update from our Four Trails Groups!
Camp Merrowvista finally got some rain today!  The storm didn’t last long, but it poured and thundered hard enough to delay Little Haystack’s canoe shakedown in Dan Hole Pond this...
General Updates
July 16, 2018
Life at Camp
Camp Merrowvista has been an important part of my life since the beginning of this century.  I have seen this beautiful community from almost every angle possible – camper, leader,...