Share Your AYF Story

100 Stories Project

The American Youth Foundation has transformed countless young people and their families in the last 100 years, and everyone has a story. For some, the AYF philosophy is a family tradition passed down through generations. For others, the AYF is a new experience that opens an entire world of connection and community in the outdoors.
Whatever your AYF story, we hope you’ll share it with us as part of our 100 Stories project.
Share Your AYF Story
Laura Hardin
Merrowvista Camper, Seasonal Staff Member
"People should support the AYF because there are very few places on Earth that provide an intentional community where the motto, My own self, at my very best, all the time, is truly lived out."
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Ella Miligan
Merrowvista Camper
"Something I’ll always remember is one of our last nights on the trail. We were boiling water for dessert, waiting for it to boil while it was pouring rain. All of us were huddled under a rainfly, singing songs together. It was such a special moment for me, and I’ll never forget it."
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Bancroft Potter Jr.
Merrowvista Camper
"’ll always remember when me and all my cabinmates met this 63-year-old thru hiker on trail. He told us about his childhood and how he grew up in Italy. He went to the summer camp just like this. It was such an amazing memory. I cried. It was awesome."
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Anne Davis Grothe
Miniwanca Camper 1967, 1971-1973
"The things I will never forget about being at camp include the singing. The beautiful harmonizing that happens in these spaces is truly special. It's not just specific memories; it's more about the feeling I have when I'm here—walking through the woods, sand under my feet at the beach, and experiencing the love that people show each other in their interactions."
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Victoria Sherman
2000, 2010-2014 Miniwanca Volunteer
Summer Seminars for Women 2014-2024
"I think the American Youth Foundation is helping to build a stronger country and a stronger world. If you want to come and feel loved and like you belong, come here."
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Kristin Anderson
Miniwanca Parent 2021-2024
"I remember after her first year, when she came home, she was just a better person—more confident, surer of herself. She was simply a better person, and I think it was because of Camp Miniwanca."
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Bill Mulvihill
Miniwanca Younger Boys Camp 1952-1954
Miniwanca Work Staff 1958
"Two of my most treasured memories come from one night after working, when Dr. Benjamin May, who was a mentor to Martin Luther King Jr., sat down and talked with me about life. ... His perspective on life was very useful to me, and I found that his views weren’t that far apart from mine."
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Jay Isoniemi
Miniwanca Voyageur Leader 2024
"The most important thing I’ve learned in my ten-plus years here, both as a camper and as staff, is gratitude."
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Taryn Allison
Miniwanca Camper 2024
"One thing I'll always remember about camp is the sense of belonging that I found here."
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Shay Huffman
Miniwanca Voyageur, 1997
It was the best experience of my entire life—also the hardest. Our group became so close, and there were many obstacles along the way. I learned that no matter what, I can do anything with my group and for myself. It was the most amazing experience of my life, and I’m thankful for it.
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Parker Jensen
Miniwanca Camper, 2016 - 2017
Four Trails Leader, 2023 - 2024
If I could give advice to a future camper, it would be to take time to let the lessons we experience here sink in. We often talk about our motto, “my own self at my very best,” and while it may not always resonate perfectly, I believe that if you truly reflect on it and strive to be your best, you can excel and grow tremendously. Take time to appreciate the lessons and the people around you, and you will soar.
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Dave Philley
Miniwanca Outpost Camper, 1977
Merrowvista Four Trails Leader, 1981 - 1982
Miniwanca Four Trails Leader, 1982 - 1984
Four Trails Director. 1986 - 1988
We embarked on a long canoe trip in Canada, an incredible and life-changing experience for me. During that first week at camp, I was deeply impressed by the philosophy of the camp and its Four Fold philosophy of balanced living. That is what has stuck with me the most and left a lasting impression.
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Axel Jones
Camp Miniwanca, 2023 - 2024
The one thing I would tell a future camper about camp is that just like you should really come because it's a place for growth and it's really fun. You can come here and grow physically and mentally in all the four folds.
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Amy von der Heydt
I believe the physical space—the sand dunes, the water, and the surrounding nature—is absolutely what camp is about. To me, that’s Miniwanca. Nature is an essential component of it, along with the feelings and the energy we bring to this place and the energy that has been felt here for so long. I’m sure everyone says this, but Miniwanca has undoubtedly been the most influential thing in my life. It’s what helped me realize that I could make it and that I could do it.
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Lucas Schroeder
1996-2007 National Leadership Conference
“The most important thing I learned at camp was the beauty and the challenge of trying to be your own self, at your very best, all the time. They seem like wonderful words when I first heard them. And it took a number of years at camp to actually understand what that meant.”
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Abby Nuss
2024 Four Trails Leader
“The most important lesson that I’ve learned at camp is that it’s ok to take things slow and enjoy the nature, and just take what comes your way and make the best situation out of it as possible.”
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Justin Sanders
1994 National Leadership Conference
2024 Miniwanca Parent
“The most important thing I learned at camp was how to step outside my comfort zone. To be bold, and try new things. And to really, whole-heartedly be my true self. You get accepted for that here. You get celebrated for that here...It is really empowering and really inspires you to live your best life here, and back at home.”
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Judy Staebler Bushouse
Miniwanca Younger Girls Camp, 1954 to 1958
Miniwanca Older Girls Camp, 1959 to 1962
“All five of my kids attended camp here and five of my grandchildren, and I think we will have two more next year. Everything they gained from camp, and I felt I gained, was the friendships, of course, the experiences, the confidence in trying new things, learning new things, learning how to set goals, and learning how to work for something you believe in.”
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