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Volunteer Weekend 2016
May 5, 2016


That’s the number of work-hours members of the Miniwanca family donated to camp during the largest ever Volunteer Weekend. As you’re letting that settle in for a moment, please consider that all those hours have to be completed by someone before the start of the summer, so we now have 1,000 extra hours to devote to readying the site and preparing for our wonderful participants. That’s 25 work weeks. We can’t say thank you enough times for your work, play, and fellowship over the course of the weekend.

We’ll be posting photos soon on our Facebook page so that you can see all of the lovely people who made the weekend possible, but until then here’s just a brief summary of what was accomplished:

• Homemade granola was prepared and packaged for our 4-Trails trips to enjoy.

• Our bays of cabins were all raked, swept, and had mattresses placed in every bed.

• The East Camp Craft House got a new steel roof.

• The Muse, an element on our low challenge course, was replaced.

• The tarps were taken down from Church of the Dunes.

• The snow fence was removed from the West Camp Beach

• Michigan Trail had several key areas reinforced to improve safety and prevent erosion.

• Torches were prepared for the coming council fires.

• New motto signs were hung around camp.

• One of the Stony Lake cottages got a coat of paint.

• Fire wood was split and delivered to areas around camp.

• Bales of hay were carried by hand up Baldy, and placed to limit our erosive impact.

• The waters of Lake Michigan were tested with the first Polar Bear of the season.

And most importantly, old and new friends got to connect and enjoy the magical place that is Miniwanca.
Thank you again, and we can’t wait until next year!

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