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National Leadership Conference
April 21, 2018

Anna Kay headshotWe are thrilled to share with the AYF community that Anna Kay Vorsteg has been awarded the Association for Experiential Education’s 2018 PICOUP Award.

Each year, AEE Northeast members have the opportunity to nominate someone in their community for the Person In Charge Of Unlocking Potential Award. The PICOUP recognizes someone who gives of themselves for the betterment of others and honors an individual who has the ability to empower those around them to achieve their own best.

Anna Kay was nominated earlier this year and past and present AYF staff were eager to share their observations and examples of how she has role modeled humble service and selflessness: how she cultivates opportunities for people to awaken themselves to the work of building inclusive communities; her approach to observing from afar and teaching up close; her commitment to others and sharing with them how they matter to her; and how she simply shines as an example of best self.

The award will be presented during the AEE Northeast Regional Conference this weekend, so please join us in a hearty hear, hear to a woman who embodies the goals of experiential education and the mission of AYF.