The First Full Day of Boys Camp – 6/27/16
June 28, 2016

The Breakers gather for their first meeting

The First Full Day of Boys Camp is always exciting. We started our day with an inspiring flag raising led by Cabin C7, a group of our Avail Seniors. After a brief cabin chat we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast of pancakes and sausage! The Food Program team even put out some mixed berries to top the pancakes!

After breakfast Boys Camp moved to the waterfront to learn about the options at Stony Lake, and to complete a swim check. All campers got to jump into Stony Lake with their cabin and cabin leader to show off their ability in the water. The Waterfront Team provided music and games to keep everyone excited and pumped up.

We transitioned from there to Bryant Field for games, cabin photos, and a chat with Adam. Following those rotations, everyone gathered in the Activity Center to learn what Tribe they would join. Boys Camp has four tribes: the Beaches, Breakers, Creeks, and Sands.

After lunch and rest hour campers began Interest Groups! We have a big variety of options this week. Campers are fishing, playing soccer, slaying dragons, making masterpieces, building robots, and creating friendships.

After dinner, all of Boys Camp gathered in Council Circle for Opening Council. This is the formal start to camp where campers learn the history of Miniwanca, and dared to make their time at camp great. It included songs and stories, and a few ceremonial fires.

The Boys Camp Coordinator, Will Shelton, provided the first Evening Reflection of the summer at Orwig Chapel with a telling of “I Saw the Shining Sea.” It’s an old camp story that challenges each camper to use their gifts to the fullest. After some time to reflect on the story, campers headed off to showers and bedtime. An awesome day to be in Boys Camp!