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Adventure Day
July 9, 2016

After a week of Interest Groups, Tribal Games, Night’s Doings, and typical scheduled days, Adventure Day came along!

As the Polar Bear call woke sleepy campers, brave Polar Bears made their way through the fog to Lake Michigan to splash in the chilly water. Everyone gathered in the Hollow for some Tribal Cheers, Morning Stretch, and the Flag Raising. Then, arm in arm, campers streamed into the Eating Lodge for a delicious breakfast of eggs and homefries and bagels at the breakfast bar. Everyone needed to fuel up for the big adventures planned for the day!

Directly after Breakfast, Juniors met at the Turn of the Road to venture to East Camp where 6th and 8th grade cabins climbed on the High Ropes Challenge course and  7th grade cabins worked on team building exercises to prepare for the Forester Trip. Pipers headed to the river for some morning Tubing. The Seniors worked on a Service Project by clearing the trail for the Doc Wheels Fun Run.

All the camper reunited for a Lunch of pasta, chips, and a salad bar, even the Trailblazer’s returned from their hiking trip! After clean up responsibilities, campers signed up for the next weeks Interest Groups. After the final decisions of IGs were made, everyone headed to the cabins for extended rest hour before continuing the day of adventure.

When the bell rang, the Pipers went to East camp to climb the High Ropes Challenge Course, 6th and 8th Grade Juniors went tubing down the river, 7th Grade Foresters packed for their camping trip, and Seniors worked on some more in camp service until Free Time.

For Dinner, everyone returned to the eating lodge for pizza, veggie sticks, and salad.

During Night’s Doings, the Pipers had a shower party in order to be squeaky clean before Evening Reflection, Forester’s began their hike to the Well Site, the rest of the Juniors played Celebrity in Assembly, and Seniors planned for T1-4, a whole camp day of activity coming up on Sunday.

At the day’s end, Girls Camp gathered once more on the beach of Lake Michigan to wrap up a busy day of adventure with calm reflection. Our typical schedule will continue tomorrow with brand new and exciting Interest Groups for everyone!