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Departures, Shakedowns, and a Typical Day – 6/29/15
June 30, 2016

Boys Camp had a great Wednesday! The Explorers started their journey after breakfast, and all of Boys Camp sang them the traditional goodbye of “Happy Trails.” We’ll miss them in camp, but are very excited to hear the tales of their trip. The Adventurers completed a bike shakedown with a trip to Country Dairy. Everyone had fun, and they made it back to camp for dinner.

It was a typical day in camp, so campers followed their set routine of Interest Groups and Community Time in the morning. During Community Time the Darers enjoyed an hour of tag games, the Challengers completed initiatives with the Adventure Team, and the Seniors played a game of Ultimate Werewolf. The goal of the day was to deepen the connection among the groups, and learn to play together.

After Community Time campers gathered for Tribal Games! The Beaches and the Sands played each other in Pin Can Dodgeball. The Creeks and Breakers played each other in Smashball and Ultimate with members picking their preferred game. At the end of the block, campers were heard chanting, “If you had fun, you won!”

Our afternoon was filled with Assembly, Interest Groups, and Free Time. Adam held the first feature match of croquet on Bryant Field, a returning highlight from last summer. He was bested by more than a few campers, but remains hopeful that he’ll win the series.

Our Night’s Doings were held in cabins with groups scattering across Boys Camp to make sure campers get to do all the things that we have to offer. The Seniors spent time at the High Ropes Course, the Trailblazers played in the dunes, Challengers visited the waterfront, and the Darers spent their night in the Craft House.

Then each age group met up for Evening Reflection for a moment of quiet at the end of a busy day. All campers were tired and happy as they made their way to bed.